For an experienced recruiter it can take only a few seconds to go through a candidate’s resume. If you are new at at this, it may seem a little overwhelming to choose, which are the good one and not so good candidates for the position.
We have created a checklist t get to started in sorting through resumes in no time.
Overall look
Is the information presented in a logical order or is it easy to find contact information? It is very important, how the information is presented, it can tell a lot about a candidate. Are they organized and structured or have they spent enough time to put their CV together, showed that they care about this position and what message they give out to future employers?
2. Language
Poor use of grammar and spelling can also give a poor impression. And use of language can indicate to candidate’s intelligence, professional level and ability to act the part. Making sure that CV does not have mistakes just shows the employer that candidate checks their work, focuses on the details and is determined.
3. Qualifications
Short terms, employment gaps and confusing job descriptions definitely are crucial to take into consideration and later ask, what was the reasoning behind it. Make sure that previous job expereince and skills are relevant to the vacant position.
How to find time to improve your Cv sorting skills — use staffin!
staffin is a recruitment software, which offers automated communication with candidates in steps such as application and thank you emails. staffin also offers its users a report panel, where metrics can be set ( each company can define their own) and measure them to improve recruitment process and make it more effective!
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