Whether you are at recruitment or whether you have done it for years, let’s refresh on the most important tips and tricks about recruitment on Linkedin.
For the past 10 years, Linkedin has been a got-to-spot for professionals to increase their network, a place where to generate Sales and to find an employee, or search for new job opportunities. The latter has been so popular that Linkedin itself is offering Talent Solutions and option to upgrade to premium user account.
1. Original style
This has been said everywhere by now, but we also want to emphasize the importance of not using copy-paste, generic messages and communication in general. Since 2018, regardless of whether you’re in marketing for a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) organization, it’s about creating human-to-human (H2H) connections. In other words, people buy from other people. And recruiters sell job positions and company culture to candidates, so it translates to recruitment very well.
So, the best approach would be to create meaningful conversations over cold communication. Quality over quantity. Show genuine interest, mention specific details, lesser-known facts that would catch candidate’s attention.
Where to get this information? Let’s move to next important tip.

2. Research skills of a Secret Service Agent
To provide very personalized message, recruiters need to work with information and find those significant details. Make the information work for you. Compliment candidate on specific achievements, finished projects, show appreciation for set of skills the person has been endorsed for. You can also research the company that candidate currently works at and try to find information on their website, social media about the candidate, and later on use it communicate. You can also build trust through mutual acquanitances or friends.
3. Network, network, network
Build your network. Work on your profile, connect with professionals and be visible. The more people you are connected to, the bigger your network gets, and this means that you are that much closer to candidates. You then have connections that can introduce you to other people or spread the information of vacant positions. Maybe some people will reference suitable candidates on you vacancy post. But to get to that point, some work has to be done. Engagement is the answer. You need to post updates that would start a discussion, like other people’s updates and news, congratulate them on work anniversaries.
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