Last year we experienced the highest point of so- called “war for talent”. And the news are in — the talent has won. Recruiters are still looking for new actions and tactics that could help attract suitable candidates for the position.
We have gather, as we believe, core and most essential trends for 2019. Some of them are continous from last year, but some are new and existing trends to keep in mind.
- Recruitment Marketing
Marketing has become a part of a lot of different fields, and recruitment is no exception. This trend has already been here since last year, and continious to make it’s way forward. As recruiters want to spend their energy on the most suitable candidates, it is crucial to know when, where and how can they be reached, and marketing is the key to finding the answer to these questions.
2. Technology
Technology is the tool to minimize manual work and focus on the most important thing — flirting with the candidate. Recruiters need to pursue candidate, be proactive, they do not have time to spend half of the week just going thoursh applications. Competition is fierce. If they are faster, more out-together, they ma have an advantage over you. If you are not using any kind of technology, then what are you waiting for?
3. New CRM — Candidate Relationship Management
We have previously posted a story about candidate experience, and how to make it a postivie one. Find it here. CRM is bit more broader, it means that a recruiter maintains a relationship with existing and future candidates keeping the communication open and frequent. It needs to be a two-way street. Recruiters need to start engaging with candidates, and of course, make it a positive experience for all parties.
4. Soft skills
As business environment is changing in general and shifting from B2B and B2C to P2P — people to people. Cooperation in anyway is not a simple and heartless transaction, customers, business partners and also candidates want to feel appreciated. And Soft skill in other words stands for people skills — listening, negotiations, patienc, body language, verbal communication etc.
5. Data-driven recruitment
This means that all actions and steps are thought through and have evidence to back it up. It means that recruiters do not just automatically post a paid ad to a job board and think that this approach will bring in the most candidates. Does data support this decision? What percentage of candidates how applied through a paid ad? If you have a basis for you recruitment approach, you are doing it right!
We have a solution! — staffin
staffin is a recruitment software which reduces manual work by 50%!
- No more sorting through e-mail to find applications;
- No more saving applications to folders and writing updates in excel;
- No more manual e-mail to candidates;
- No more hours spent on reports.
All of This is automated! In one place!
- Use templates to create job ads instantly;
- Receive application automatically to desired position;
- Send thank you e-mail with one easy click;
- View automatically genereted reports.
With staffin you can focus on building those essential relationships with candidates and attracting best employees with ease!